Oracle / PLSQL: Cursor with variable in an IN CLAUSE
Question: I'm trying to use a variable in an IN CLAUSE of a cursor. Here are my assumptions and declarations.
- Ref_cursor is of type REF CURSOR declared in Package
- I will to pass a comma separated Numbers as a string
- This should be used in the query in the IN clause
- Execute the Query and Return the Output as REF Cursor
Something similar to the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_name (inNumbers in Varchar2) RETURN PackageName.ref_cursor IS out_cursor PackageName.Ref_cursor; BEGIN OPEN out_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM Table_name WHERE column_name IN (inNumbers); RETURN out_cursor; END;
I seem to be getting an error when I try the code above. How can I use a variable in an IN CLAUSE?
Answer: Unfortunately, there is no easy way to use a variable in an IN CLAUSE if the variable contains a list of items. We can, however, suggest two alternative options:
Option #1
Instead of creating a string variable that contains a list of numbers, you could try storing each value in a separate variable. For example:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_name RETURN PackageName.ref_cursor IS out_cursor PackageName.Ref_cursor; v1 varchar(2); v2 varchar(2); v3 varchar(2); BEGIN v1 := '1'; v2 := '2'; v3 := '3'; OPEN out_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM Table_name WHERE column_name IN (v1, v2, v3); RETURN out_cursor; END;
Option #2
You could try storing your values in a table. Then use a sub-select to retrieve the values.
For example:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_name RETURN PackageName.ref_cursor IS out_cursor PackageName.Ref_cursor; BEGIN OPEN out_cursor FOR SELECT * FROM Table_name WHERE column_name IN (SELECT values FROM list_table); RETURN out_cursor; END;
In this example, we've stored our list in a table called list_table.
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