Transfer to Manufacturing
is a process in Oracle Manufacturing in this blog we will show how to do this by our code / PL/SQL using the API supplied by Oracle. For clarity I have mentioned the Standard way too, and before doing any of these we need to verify the item is not transferred yet.
Verify the item is not transferred to Manufacturing:
We can verify by 2 ways:
1. The item will not be visible in “Item Master”.
2. In database table “mtl_system_items_b” The ENG_ITEM_FLAG will be ‘Y’ and ENGINEERING_DATE will be NULL
SELECT organization_id, inventory_item_id, eng_item_flag,
engineering_date, engineering_item_id, description
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment2 like 'DIE_11377_512';
SELECT organization_id, inventory_item_id, eng_item_flag,
engineering_date, engineering_item_id, description
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment2 like 'DIE_11377_512'; Standard way to “Transfer to Manufacturing”
Switch to “PIM Engineer” responsibility >>
Click Transfer to Mfg
“Item Master Organization”
the Item and click on Transfer.
Now you can verify using the following query and search
in “Item Master”.
SELECT organization_id, inventory_item_id, eng_item_flag,
engineering_date, engineering_item_id, description
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment2 like 'DIE_11377_512';